

Set the MAIN ZONE (room where the unit is located) volume setting.


Set how volume is displayed.

0 - 98

Display in the range 0 (Min) to 98.

-79.5 dB - 18.0 dB:

Display ---dB (Min), in the range –79.5 dB to 18.0 dB.

“Scale” settings are reflected in all the zones.


Make a setting for maximum volume.

60 – 80 (–20 dB – 0 dB)


The dB value is displayed when the “Scale” setting is “-79.5 dB - 18.0 dB”.link

Power On Level

Sets the initial volume level when the power is turned on.


Use the memorized setting from the last session.


Always use the muting on condition when power is turned on.

1 – 98 (–79 dB – 18 dB) :

The volume is adjusted to the set level.

The dB value is displayed when the “Scale” setting is “-79.5 dB - 18.0 dB”.link

Mute Level

Set the amount of attenuation when mute is on.


The sound is muted entirely.

–40 dB :

The sound is attenuated by 40 dB down.

–20 dB :

The sound is attenuated by 20 dB down.

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