
Adding the registration of HEOS built-in devices in the HEOS app

The HEOS system is a true multiroom audio system that automatically synchronizes audio playback between multiple HEOS built-in devices so that the audio coming from different rooms is perfectly in sync and always sounds amazing! You can easily add up to 32 HEOS built-in devices to your HEOS system.

Adding wired HEOS built-in devices

Just connect the HEOS built-in devices to your home network using an Ethernet cable and the HEOS built-in device will appear on your HEOS app as a new room in the Rooms screen. For information about wired LAN connections, refer to Connecting to a home network (LAN)link.

At your convenience, you can assign a name to the HEOS built-in device to indicate which room you have it placed in.

Adding wireless HEOS built-in devices

You can add additional wireless HEOS built-in devices to your HEOS system by selecting “Add Device” from the HEOS app’s settings menu and follow the instructions:

Adding device

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