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Listening to the same music in multiple rooms
The HEOS system is a true multi-room audio system that automatically synchronizes audio playback between multiple HEOS devices so that the audio coming from different rooms is perfectly in sync and always sounds amazing! You can easily add up to 32 HEOS devices to your HEOS system. You can join or group up to 16 individual HEOS devices into a group of HEOS devices that function as if they were a single HEOS device.
Grouping rooms
Press and hold your finger on room that is not playing music.
Drag it into the room that is playing music (indicated by the red outline) and lift your finger.
The two rooms will be grouped together into a single device group and both rooms will be playing the same music in perfect sync.

Ungrouping rooms
Press and hold your finger on room that you want to remove from the group.
Drag it out of the group and lift your finger.
You can not remove the first room that started playing the music before grouping.

Grouping all rooms (party mode)
You can easily group 16 rooms together into Party Mode by using a "pinch" gesture.
Place two fingers on the screen over the list of rooms.
Quickly pinch your two fingers together and release.
All of your rooms will be joined together and begin playing the same music in perfect sync.

Ungrouping all rooms
You can easily ungroup all of your rooms and exit Party Mode by using a "spread" gesture.
Place two fingers close together on the screen over list of rooms.
Quickly spread your two fingers apart from each other and release.
All of your rooms will be ungrouped.