Google Play および Google Play ロゴは、Google LLCの商標です。 |
App Store®は、米国およびその他の国における登録商標です。 |
ドルビーラボラトリーズの実施権に基づき製造されています。Dolby、Dolby Audio及びダブルD記号はDolby Laboratories Licensing Corporationの商標です。 |
Apple, AirPlay, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPhone and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The trademark “iPhone” is used in Japan with a license from Aiphone K.K. Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to work specifically with the technology identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. |
Being Roon Ready means that Marantz uses Roon streaming technology, for an incredible user interface, simple setup, rock-solid daily reliability, and the highest levels of audio performance, without compromise. |