
Logo Works Apple AirPlay

Apple, AirPlay, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

The trademark "iPhone" is used in Japan with a license from Aiphone K.K.

Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to work specifically with the technology identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.

Logo Bluetooth

Bluetooth®字样的商标和标识是Bluetooth SIG, Inc.所拥有的注册商标,D&M Holdings Inc.对任何此类商标的使用均已获得授权。其他商标和商品名称是其各自所有者的商标和商品名称。

Logo WiFi

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。
Wi-Fi认证确保本机通过了Wi-Fi Alliance(对无线LAN设备之间的互操作性进行认证的团体)执行的互操作性测试。

Logo_Acrobat Reader

Adobe, Adobe标识和Reader均为Adobe Systems Incorporated公司在美国或其他国家的注册商标或商标。
